
The best option a fashion lover who quit smoking

Quit Smoking Aids I used to love smoking; I did. It’s an unpopular opinion nowadays, but I seem to have been born with a cigarette in my mouth. I enjoyed every drag from the first one in the morning to the last drag at night. But I hated what it did to my clothes. The odor didn’t bother me as I was in a constant fog of smoke. But my friends and family hated it and it would linger in my clothes all day (not that I noticed).

My husband was the worst, as a non-smoker. He seemed too sensitive to the odor often saying “I love you, but you stink”. A comment like that can take the romance out of a nice evening. In meetings at work, I would need to drown myself in perfume to hide emit an odor to colleagues. If I didn’t, I became a social pariah, the girl no one wants to sit next to.

I lost count of the number of clothes I discovered that had ash stains or worse burn marks in them. Which I would only discover once I was wearing them. No matter how much care and attention I gave to them. Even the newest dresses would soon succumb to the curse of the cigarette. This had to stop, not for the financial saving, not for my health (which I was ignoring). But to save my wardrobe from any more damage.

I tried the alternative; patches, gum, even hypnosis. But I enjoyed it too much. I would forever force to walk around smelling like I had rescued my clothes from a fire. It was when I looked into electronic cigarettes, I didn’t want to stop smoking. I just wanted to stop smelling like an ashtray, destroying my clothes and my bank balance.

It surprised me about how easy making the switch from cigarettes to electronic cigarettes was. I had thought I would experience withdrawal. But I still getting my nicotine hit and having something to hold in my hand was a huge psychological help. In a few days, I was a convert and could not stop boasting about my new little gadget. A few days after that, I started noticing something horrifying, smokers smell, and it’s not nice.

Vape Pens

On some level, all smokers know that the aroma of stale smoke isn’t Chanel no. five. But it surprised me how I hated the stink. After cleaning almost everything I own, (twice) I felt better. I haven’t had a cigarette since and not only do I know and look better. But the money I have saved has helped to replace my damaged wardrobe and a little extra. So going to your wardrobe and you get that whiff of stale smoke, don’t just ignore it, make the switch!

Vape Ignition

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