
Jewelry Care: Caring for, Cleaning, and Filing Your Expensive Jewelry

Expensive Jewelry

Your jewelry is precious. Whether it has monetary value, emotional value, or both, your jewelry is unique. So, how to keep the jewelry in its best condition? Most people think that a certain degree of wear can be expected. This is not the case. You can take some simple steps to ensure that your precious jewels are as intact as they were on the day of purchase.

When not to wear jewelry:

One of the best ways to keep jewelry beautiful is to know when not to wear it. Many people never remove their jewelry for emotional reasons. But the truth is that many daily activities can damage or even destroy your precious jewelry.

Examples of these activities include:

In addition to soiling your jewelry, gardening is also one of the easiest ways to chip or lose gems and scratch gold or platinum jewelry. Remember, gold is an extremely soft metal, and platinum, although twice as much as gold, is easily scratched.

Household cleaning
Do not wear jewelry when doing household cleaning! Many common cleaning solutions contain chemicals that can damage or fade gems or precious metals. Besides, when doing housework, you may rub the jewelry with abrasives. When it comes to gold, even dust can be abrasive enough to damage it.

The chlorine in the swimming pool can seriously damage your jewelry. Chlorine stings gold and discolors dull gems. Chlorine can also damage the inlays, relax the gems and greatly increase the risk of losing them.

Yes! When you sleep, you will unconsciously brush your jewelry on the sheets. The dust on the bed sheet or the bedsheet itself will act as a fine abrasive and will eventually wear the ring setting. If you must wear the ring on the bed, you should turn the ring so that the gemstone faces your palm. In this way, you are unlikely to come into contact with abrasives.

You should also avoid extreme temperature changes. For example: if you wear a diamond ring in a hot tub (which shouldn't be done in the first place) and then decide to jump into a cold pool, the diamond may break or even break!

When deciding whether to wear jewelry, you must follow common sense. If you think you might be doing something harsh, or you think you might be in contact with chemicals or abrasives, it is best not to wear jewelry. Safety is better than regret.

Clean jewelry:

Cleaning the jewelry is very simple
The best way to clean jewelry is to soak it in a mild mild liquid detergent or soap. After soaking the jewelry for three to four minutes, rinse it under running water (make sure the drain is closed), and then dry it with a soft, lint-free cloth or paper towel. You should clean your jewelry frequently to avoid having to take the jewelry to the jeweler due to expensive and harmful cleaning methods.

There are many stories about home remedies and old ladies about how to clean jewelry. Most of them not only don't work, but they can also seriously damage your jewelry.

These examples include:

One of the most common home remedies for cleaning jewelry is to use toothpaste. Never use toothpaste to clean jewelry! Toothpaste is abrasive. Although this is good for cleaning plaque on teeth, it can scratch golden and softer gems.

Boiling water
Many people believe that boiling jewelry in water is a good way to clean jewelry. Boiling is one of the easiest ways to destroy fine jewelry. Boiling jewelry can crack or fade gems and even diamonds.

Ammonia can be used well for diamonds, rubies, and sapphires, but it can damage other gems. Ammonia can only be used for unfilled diamonds. Never use acid solutions or ammonia to clean diamonds filled with cracks.

Professional polishing liquid
Professional polishing liquid has mild abrasive. This abrasive will make your gold jewelry glow, but it will also scratch the gold.

Frequent cleaning of jewelry will make it sparkle. Diamonds in particular need to be cleaned regularly because they naturally attract grease. A clean, flawed diamond looks ten times better than a dirty, flawless diamond.

Jewelry storage:

Proper storage is the most important factor in keeping jewelry in good condition. Remember, gold and platinum are soft materials, while diamond is one of the hardest materials known to man. If the jewelry is stored together, diamonds, rubies, and sapphires will scratch the precious metals and cut off other softer gems (such as emeralds). You should always store jewelry separately. Many people like to store their jewelry in a safe or refrigerator at home.

Both are poor choices for jewelry storage. The dry atmosphere of the safe can damage your jewelry, while the extreme cold of the freezer can crush or destroy gems. The best place to store precious jewelry is a jewelry box with many separate compartments. Most jewelry boxes are lined with soft, non-abrasive materials that will not scratch your jewelry. A good jewelry box will have many compartments, which can not only display your jewelry beautifully but also protect your jewelry from scratches and debris.

The jewelry box itself is also very beautiful. High-quality jewelry boxes are usually hand-made from beautiful hardwood and are cleverly designed to display your jewelry in an eye-catching way. When storing jewelry, there is no substitute for a high-quality jewelry box. This is a page to view the different styles available for jewelers.

Where is the best place to buy jewelry?

To understand the different styles and prices available to jewelers, it is best to check them online before buying from a local retail store.

Retail stores and jewelry stores sometimes offer a small number of jewelers, but you are more likely to find more jewelers online. Just type "jeweler" in an Internet search engine (such as Google or Yahoo) and you will find several reliable websites that specialize in jewelers.

The cost of the jeweler depends on many variables. In solid wood, the price of a jewelry box is about 100 to 300 US dollars, depending on the size, while the price of a high-end jewelry box may be much higher.

Let your jewelry shine:

Do you want your jewelry to look more impressive than ever? Do you want to compliment your jewelry every time you wear it? It pays to take care of the jewelry. Proper maintenance and storage will not only extend the life of the jewelry but also make the jewelry sparkle like never before.

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Photo by Obi Onyeador on Unsplash

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